Depressed … Who Me? 

I think it’s about time I admit it.   Yes, I am depressed.  I feel lost… for many different reasons.   I am now in my mid 40’s.  I am scared to death of getting old and what that will bring on all levels but especially with the autoimmune diseases.   I’m already nasty when in pain.  “Lard… help the children in our neighborhood during that time period”.

 I’ve had to terminate my goals of higher education because I physically can’t do it.   Mr. Lupus and Ms. RA will only allow me to do so much in a day… My career goals are on hold because again I can only do so much and right now I have to focus on staying in remission.    YAY!  Such ambition… stay in remission…  I know for many of you, this would be a significant achievement.  It truly is.   I’m just so use to accomplishing goals on so many different levels. It’s tough for me to be stagnate. 

Now I hope that the word “depression” hasn’t sets off alarms in people that know me.   Depression comes with this autoimmune territory.  It comes in waves and in stages.   There is also a big difference between situational depression, chronic depression and a chemical imbalance.  This is situational depression.  The term and the emotion “depression” shouldn’t be scary. There shouldn’t be this huge “gasp” knee jerking reaction when you hear the term.  Life in itself can cause depression.   Significant changes in life can cause depression.   Losing a loved one through death and\or heartache causes depression.   Being broke causes depression.  There are many many many situations and circumstances that can cause depression.   Life is depressing sometimes!!  Life can really suck ass and make us feel like shit and that’s DEPRESSING and guess what?  It’s common. 

Be concerned when that depression stops you from living.  Be concerned when that bout of depression is more than just a time out away from life.   When you’re having trouble getting out of bed, taking care of your hygiene and you’re missing lots of work\events… maybe it’s time to seek professional help.   If you are thinking suicidal thoughts and\or thoughts of self-harm, please reach out to someone… you are not alone. 

I am getting up every day, functioning in my roles (wife, mother, daughter, friend, counsellor) and being part of society.   I am laughing and trying to be happy but there’s something off.   I do not know who I am anymore.   Who have I become?  Where has that fun, silly, energetic, thriving person gone?   I know that the wife, mother, daughter, friend, counsellor in me is present and I’m fucking fantabulous in those roles  but  the ME is suffering.   It feels as though the RA and Lupus have taken over.  They control my life.  Everything is scheduled around medication, pain and mobility.   My ambition, my goals, and even my outlook on my life depend on my pain threshold.   It’s maddening…

So as I sit here in my room of shoes, my tranquil room (side note “who would have thought the smell of leather and stinky feet would calm me”) reflecting… I come to realize that waiting for the pain to back off or take less control of my life is a waste of time.  I need to find a way to work with it, and to work within it.   The pain will always be there.  It’s may subside but it is a part of me now.  This is my reality so I might as well stop wishing for it to go away completely and ride it.   So I’m going to push through it. Swim anyway.  Dance anyway.  Live anyway.  AND when I’m tired and the pain is intolerable then I rest and do it all over again…

One thought on “Depressed … Who Me? 

  1. You are not alone my dearest and although things are hectic, we are always a phone call away. It took great courage to write this article. You are an amazing and strong woman that I’m proud to call my pal! **THIS TOO SHALL PASS and you will find your way to dance, sing, swim and enjoy life through it all**

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